US based technology giant Apple is reportedly going to change its MacBook’s CPU from Intel to their own ARM based processors. ARM is a major player in smartphones in years. But its never made into Laptops or desktops yet. Apple would be the first company to make ARM based chipsets in the laptops. Accroding to a report from Bloomberg, Apple will introduce the ARM based MacBook laptops in 2021.
Apple is aiming to ship the ARM based MacBooks by 2021
Apple’s custom made ARM based chi pets will reduce its processor cost upto 60%. We can only hope that Apple will work on their product pricing strategy for their future devices.
New ARM based architecture means the 3rd party developers who have applications hosted in App Store will need to tweaks their codes to support the new ARM based devices.
As per the report the ARM processor will be made on 5nm production technique which is code named Kalamata, the taiwan based manufacturing partner Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) will produce in their facilities.
TSMC is Apple’s main manufacturing partner in making iPhones and iPads.
Even though there is a plan for architecture change planned by the cupertino based tech giant, this may get delayed or maybe completely scrapped based on the current financial situation in the world.
It will be a great challenge for apple to pull it off successfully as their most staffs are working from home and there is major logistic challenges in their Asia operations.
Apple is designing more of its own chips to gain greater control over the performance of its devices and differentiate them from rivals like Dell, HP etc. Getting Macs, iPhones and iPads running the same underlying technology should make it easier for Apple to unify its apps ecosystem and update its computers more often.
The switch wont be easy for apple as their software, hardware and components sourcing teams will have to work even closer.